We have found through our experience, often Doctors and Dentists with health issues, work through those issues until at some point they feel they can no longer work with the pain. They work through the pain to keep their practice strong and valuable in order to sell the practice.
There are a few variables to consider before one sells a practice that is if the owner of the practice has any disabling conditions making them think twice about continuing to work, retire, or sell.
Many of our clients have degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other nerve issues, for months and sometimes years. They have accommodated their pain by maneuvering and manipulating their working positions and their instruments to reduce pain. They hire colleagues to help with the workload or preform the longer more complicated procedures for fear they would be struck with pain in the middle of a lengthy procedure.
Often these dentists, physicians, and surgeons forget that the long-term disability policy is there for them to handle this situation. It is to replace the income they are not receiving by working fewer hours, performing fewer procedures, or having to close their doors or sell the practice.
California Insurance law definition of Total Disability states, you are totally disabled if you are unable to perform your substantial and material duties, in the normal and customary manner, in reasonable continuity.
In other words, it is possible to keep your practice, perform some procedures, work some hours and still be considered Totally Disabled, receive your benefits and continue to run your practice or eventually sell your practice.
However if you close or sell your practice and don’t in act your policy benefits while you are still working or transitioning, you may be up for a big challenge with your insurance company or non at all, as they may have terminated the policy.