“Matthew Bourhis: A Crusade for Justice”
Attorney at Law Magazine
“Opinion: Why Montecito’s mudslide victims don’t need flood insurance to recover their losses”
LA Times
“Business Interruption Insurance: Recovering it All”
Montecito Journal
“Insurance Policies Cover the “Efficient Proximate Cause” of Property Damage”
Montecito Journal
“Judge: Out-of-State Resident Can Sue Mass. Insurer Under 93A”
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
“Insurer is Faulted
for Claim Cutting”
Los Angeles Times
“State Fines Insurer, Orders Reform in Disability Cases”
Los Angeles Times
“State fines big insurer $8 million / UnumProvident was accused of trying to avoid disability payouts”
San Francisco Chronicle
“Insurer deal is industry changer / Settlement sets new standards for disability claims”
San Francisco Chronicle
“When Disaster Strikes, will your insurer come through for you?”
San Francisco Chronicle Op Ed