Cardiovascular (heart) disease is the #1 cause of disability and death in the United States.
Smoking, diet, and the resulting plaque build-up (coronary heart disease) are primary causes of heart disease, heart attack and stroke, all of which are potentially disabling.
If you have suffered heart disease, and are experiencing increased physical and mental capacity, difficulty performing your job or daily activities, and unable to hold a job, you may qualify for heart disease based long term disability benefits.
Insurance requirements differ by insurer, and you may be required to complete rehabilitative activities, diagnostic tests and therapies before determination. Your insurer may require particular symptoms as well, including:
- Angina Pectoris: chest discomfort with activity
- Atypical Angina: pain or discomfort in the limbs or areas of the body
- Variant Angina: chest discomfort while at rest
- Silent Ischemia: infarction without symptom
- Abnmormal Stress Level Test Results
- Abnormal Imaging Results
- Repetitive Ischemic Episodes – duration and frequency varies by insurer
The insurance determinations may also set forth guidelines for longitudinal (clinical record) of heart disease for which long term disability is being requested. This information includes duration and outcome of treatments, particular examination and testing results (including ECG) and treatment records.
Combined with medical documentation, a Functional Capacity evaluation may also be requested to determine your ability to perform your job.
Conditions associated with heart disease include:
- Angina – tightening in the lower chest
- Arrhythmia – irregular heartbeat
- Atherosclerosis – plaque build-up on the innermost layer of the walls of the arteries.
- Arteriosclerosis – thickening, and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls.
- Cardiomyopathy – an obscure disease of the heart muscle
- Congestive Heart Failure – weakness, edema, and shortness of breath caused by poor heart function
- Fibrillation – rapid unrythmic heart beat
- Hypertension – disease of the arteries causing high blood pressure
- Ischemia – decreased in the blood supply caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels.
- Mitral Valve Prolapse – poorly functioning mitral valve
- Myocardial Infarction – obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle
- Palpitations – irregular, rapid heartbeat
- Peripheral Vascular Disease – circulatory deficiency in the limbs, extremeties
- Stroke – blockage or rupture of a blood vessel causing loss of brain function
- Tachycardia – rapid heart rate
Bourhis Law Group, PC offers assistance for private Long Term Disability insurance policyholders who are filing a claim or have been denied or underpaid benefits due to heart disease. Contact us for assistance at any point during the long term disability insurance claim process.